Worcester State University Wasylean Hall Chiller Replacement Project Number: WOR-0898-19 Completion date: May, 2021 Status: Construction Architect: Nault Architects Construction Manager: N.B. Kenney Project Manager: Paul Forgione
With the successful replacement of the Wasylean Hall rooftop cooling tower in 2018, this project will complete the replacement of the remaining components of the air handling equipment at Wasylean Hall. The Mechanical room chiller has reached its useful life and is in need or replacement. Bid Documents were completed by Nault Architects, Inc. Per the request of the University, the project team has pushed the start of construction until after the Summer program takes place in 2020. Plan and document completion was pushed to Summer 2020, with work to be done in the winter of 2020 and activation in the spring of 2021.